Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Columnists at the NYT make a living sneering at Bush, and their counterparts over the Atlantic do the same to Tony Blair, for "having no rewind mode" (as my art professor deridingly claimed). Well, I don't know about that, but I've found an example of someone who really has no rewind mode (other than Bill Clinton): Tom Coughlin, coach of the New York Giants. It doesn't matter now. Leave the greenie in and let him finish out his season, the loser. Win or lose against Dallas on Sunday really makes no difference in the overall season. But Coughlin seems perplexed that his team has nose-dived. One wonders how he managed to land a job head coaching with such an idiot's (or a liberal's) view on things: always forget what happened before. You benched the QB who knew what was going on and how to make big plays and you summoned in the rookie who had never faced a professional rush before he was named starter. Now, quarterbacks take too much credit sometimes and so, consequently, too much blame as well. The whole team is playing poorly. But the fact remains that the quarterback is the head of the team and if he is wobbly and uncertain and plays poorly the rest of the team normally plays the same. Kurt Warner had bad days but he was a leader. Eli Manning is still learning the ropes. In ten seasons time he may be as good as his brother. But I doubt we'll see anything before then. Maybe Coughlin will be allowed to coach for that long with no improvement but I would suggest that he be worried about his job given the poor performance he himself has had this season. Good thing coaches aren't up for re-election. He might get Eli Manning's vote.
Monday, December 27, 2004
It occurred to me today, wearing my "Bush Country 2004" T-shirt from Newsmax, that had John Kerry managed to win Ohio and Iowa and subsequently the election by carrying a few more counties, the Kerry victory T-shirt might have been rather amusing. Considering that most of the map would still have been red, do you think you might have seen "Kerry Country 2004: My America!" being worn around. It would have been hilarious to see the libs basically declaring, "My America mostly voted for Bush but somehow Kerry got in. How wonderful!" Anyway, in a world dominated by news of tsunamis, football players' sudden deaths, and surgeon suicide, it cheered me up a bit.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
My shock is understandable when I signed on AOL today to discover that Reggie White, one of the great American football players of all time (and also an outstanding Christian man) is dead of a heart-attack at the age of 43. Details are not being released, per the family's request for privacy but I can truthfully the news saddens me. Mr. White stood up for his beliefs, on and off the football field, and deserves to revered for his faith and his conviction, as much as for his hard hitting. My thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time. May a great man's legacy live on.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Do you remember me/I sat upon your knee/I wrote to you/With childhood fantasies/Well, I'm all grown up now/And still need help somehow/I'm not a child/But my heart still can dream/So here's my lifelong wish/My grown up christmas list/Not for myself/But for a world in need/No more lives torn apart/That wars would never start/And time would heal all hearts/And everyone would have a friend/And right would always win/And love would never end/This is my grown up christmas list. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Thursday, December 23, 2004
When will Newsmax stop worrying? Their fears are never realized. They panicked that Kerry would win the election, that the Swift Boat Veterans would be silenced, that the Democrats would win back Congress. None of it happened! Now they're panicking that polls show Hillary Clinton could defeat the top three Republican choices for president in 2008. I would like to remind them that the polls showed Kerry winning up to four months before the election, let alone four years. One thing neither Republican nor Democrat will have to deal with next time is the mess in Iraq because that will be ancient history by that time. For liberals, history always begins this morning so when the problems in Iraq begin to calm down sometime in the next year it will seem like forever ago to the Democrats and probably completely irrelevant. That's the ticket for them, you know: if it doesn't serve your purposes, pretend it doesn't matter. The problem with Conservatives is that we have bought into the same lie that motivates the Liberals: the overriding belief that the American people are stupid. It makes Liberals hopeful and Conservatives despondent, but for neither of them does it make any difference. The American people are not stupid. They know when they are well off and they know a pathetic candidate when they see one. And for those who say we have to worry in order to make sure our fears are not realized, that is simply not true. Worry is not that answer; have you learned nothing from George W. Bush? The answer is to take action to convince people that you are the better answer. Republicans must stop wringing their hands and begin to govern like a majority party would. If they do not, over the next four years the American people will choose to be led by a party that at least knows what they stand for and don't care who gets in the way to do it. Republicans, take warning! Newsmax's worries may become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I am continually surprised and/or amused by the depths to which Democrats will sink in their desperation to thwart the will of the people they're convinced are stupid. Jesse Jackson (one should try to figure out his IQ!) and his ilk are asking for a review of the outcome in Ohio this past election because the new touch machines have overwhelming numbers of Bush votes recorded on them, "obviously raising the possibility of fraud." Jackson had suggested perhaps the machines are "calibrated" to cast votes for Bush. What the heck?!? Perhaps the reason these machines record so many votes for Bush is that so many people who used them voted for Bush! This would be the first possibility that would come to the mind of most normal people, but not Uncle Tom lackeys like Jesse Jackson, who are nothing more than "errand-boys" for the fat white men who run the DNC. Democrats are so convinced that the American people are stupid, and so convinced that a patrician from the northeast and a jumped-up pretty boy who was appointed to his position from the south could actually carry votes in the heartland that they just can't conceive why people might vote their consciences instead of their pocketbooks. So the fact that Bush received so many votes must indicate a fraud. I don't know what the outcome of all this will be, but I strongly suspect these latter-day slaves will continue to impress upon the American people the height, the length and the depth of their stupidity...and probably, like they have since the days of Jimbo Carter, do it in a completely oblivious fashion.
Monday, December 13, 2004
The arrogance of Europeans, the same thing they accuse Americans of, is just unbelievable to me. An ECON professor who blames the world's woes on the US and makes Europe sound like a paradise that everyone should want to live in is completely unconceivable. Christians have little to no impact on their countries--in the UK, one of the "more Christian" countries less than 8% attend church once a year, much less regularly. As for the economic side, France and Germany have unemployment rates between 10 and 14 percent as opposed to between 3 and 5 percent in the US. It's big news over here when people are beginning to be able to afford to buy their own houses; in the US it's news when people can't afford to do so.
Arrogance can be defined as "misplaced pride." Who has it more? Europe or the US?
Arrogance can be defined as "misplaced pride." Who has it more? Europe or the US?
Thursday, December 09, 2004
I've never understood the New York Giants upper management: it seems like there's something in the water down there that robs them of basic understanding. Your team was 5-4, with a good shot at the first round playoffs, one of the better NFC teams. You sidelined your veteran QB and you've dived to 5-7 and by Sunday will be eliminated altogether from playoff contention, as you have three tough games coming up, having squandered your chances on wimpy teams like Arizona and Washington. PUT WARNER BACK!!!!!!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Friday, December 03, 2004
A note from a supporter on the last entry:
Hey bro, I couldn't put this in the comment place on your blog, so maybe you could do it for me.
Read your blog, it's fantastic! As always Yeah I've been wondering why the liberal weenies always say, "Race doesn't count..." and then go out and use scare tactics to induce the blacks, Hispanics, etc. to vote for them, "Republican's are war-mongering, racist, sexist, homophobic white boys!" Exxxxxcuse meeeee! It's not about race, huh? What liberals really mean is: "It's not about race...IF YOU vote for US!" And they say we're the wackos?!!!! Give me a break. So to all you Left-winger, Christian-phobic, terrorist-supporters, anti-America liberals (including Senators Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton and Edwards and Michael Moore, Al Franken, etc.) If you don't like this country, move to France or Canada, not that they need anymore liberals, but at least you'll be in the "mainstream".
On a side note, who was the President who nominated the first black secretary of state (SOS), the first black, female National Security Advisor, and is now moving her to take over as SOS, wasn't it that rascist president George W. Bush?
Your brother,
Apple never falls far from the tree does it? :-)
Hey bro, I couldn't put this in the comment place on your blog, so maybe you could do it for me.
Read your blog, it's fantastic! As always Yeah I've been wondering why the liberal weenies always say, "Race doesn't count..." and then go out and use scare tactics to induce the blacks, Hispanics, etc. to vote for them, "Republican's are war-mongering, racist, sexist, homophobic white boys!" Exxxxxcuse meeeee! It's not about race, huh? What liberals really mean is: "It's not about race...IF YOU vote for US!" And they say we're the wackos?!!!! Give me a break. So to all you Left-winger, Christian-phobic, terrorist-supporters, anti-America liberals (including Senators Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton and Edwards and Michael Moore, Al Franken, etc.) If you don't like this country, move to France or Canada, not that they need anymore liberals, but at least you'll be in the "mainstream".
On a side note, who was the President who nominated the first black secretary of state (SOS), the first black, female National Security Advisor, and is now moving her to take over as SOS, wasn't it that rascist president George W. Bush?
Your brother,
Apple never falls far from the tree does it? :-)
In response to my fellow conservatives on blogs like "Dissecting Leftism" attacking the concept that "race" does not exist, the fact remains: It doesn't. There is only one race biologically speaking--the human race so "interracial marriage" does not exist. If you don't marry someone from the same race you didn't marry a human so what did you marry? Acts 17:26 says, "From one blood He made all nations, that they might inhabit the earth." We're all one race, all descended from Adam and Eve, and the idea of race had better be used to relate to "culture" or "ethnicity".
If you still want to talk about the "hypocrisy" of the Left, one might say that their insistence that "race doesn't exist" does not mesh with their fervent opposition to measures to make race not matter. Pushing affirmative action does not tell people, "Race does not exist." It tells people, not only does race exist but it is the deciding factor in your personality. If race does not exist, and it doesn't, then it should not be used one way or the other to determine college acceptance, job acceptance or any other thing in your life.
If you still want to talk about the "hypocrisy" of the Left, one might say that their insistence that "race doesn't exist" does not mesh with their fervent opposition to measures to make race not matter. Pushing affirmative action does not tell people, "Race does not exist." It tells people, not only does race exist but it is the deciding factor in your personality. If race does not exist, and it doesn't, then it should not be used one way or the other to determine college acceptance, job acceptance or any other thing in your life.