Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Columnists at the NYT make a living sneering at Bush, and their counterparts over the Atlantic do the same to Tony Blair, for "having no rewind mode" (as my art professor deridingly claimed). Well, I don't know about that, but I've found an example of someone who really has no rewind mode (other than Bill Clinton): Tom Coughlin, coach of the New York Giants. It doesn't matter now. Leave the greenie in and let him finish out his season, the loser. Win or lose against Dallas on Sunday really makes no difference in the overall season. But Coughlin seems perplexed that his team has nose-dived. One wonders how he managed to land a job head coaching with such an idiot's (or a liberal's) view on things: always forget what happened before. You benched the QB who knew what was going on and how to make big plays and you summoned in the rookie who had never faced a professional rush before he was named starter. Now, quarterbacks take too much credit sometimes and so, consequently, too much blame as well. The whole team is playing poorly. But the fact remains that the quarterback is the head of the team and if he is wobbly and uncertain and plays poorly the rest of the team normally plays the same. Kurt Warner had bad days but he was a leader. Eli Manning is still learning the ropes. In ten seasons time he may be as good as his brother. But I doubt we'll see anything before then. Maybe Coughlin will be allowed to coach for that long with no improvement but I would suggest that he be worried about his job given the poor performance he himself has had this season. Good thing coaches aren't up for re-election. He might get Eli Manning's vote.