Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I am continually surprised and/or amused by the depths to which Democrats will sink in their desperation to thwart the will of the people they're convinced are stupid. Jesse Jackson (one should try to figure out his IQ!) and his ilk are asking for a review of the outcome in Ohio this past election because the new touch machines have overwhelming numbers of Bush votes recorded on them, "obviously raising the possibility of fraud." Jackson had suggested perhaps the machines are "calibrated" to cast votes for Bush. What the heck?!? Perhaps the reason these machines record so many votes for Bush is that so many people who used them voted for Bush! This would be the first possibility that would come to the mind of most normal people, but not Uncle Tom lackeys like Jesse Jackson, who are nothing more than "errand-boys" for the fat white men who run the DNC. Democrats are so convinced that the American people are stupid, and so convinced that a patrician from the northeast and a jumped-up pretty boy who was appointed to his position from the south could actually carry votes in the heartland that they just can't conceive why people might vote their consciences instead of their pocketbooks. So the fact that Bush received so many votes must indicate a fraud. I don't know what the outcome of all this will be, but I strongly suspect these latter-day slaves will continue to impress upon the American people the height, the length and the depth of their stupidity...and probably, like they have since the days of Jimbo Carter, do it in a completely oblivious fashion.