Thursday, December 23, 2004

When will Newsmax stop worrying? Their fears are never realized. They panicked that Kerry would win the election, that the Swift Boat Veterans would be silenced, that the Democrats would win back Congress. None of it happened! Now they're panicking that polls show Hillary Clinton could defeat the top three Republican choices for president in 2008. I would like to remind them that the polls showed Kerry winning up to four months before the election, let alone four years. One thing neither Republican nor Democrat will have to deal with next time is the mess in Iraq because that will be ancient history by that time. For liberals, history always begins this morning so when the problems in Iraq begin to calm down sometime in the next year it will seem like forever ago to the Democrats and probably completely irrelevant. That's the ticket for them, you know: if it doesn't serve your purposes, pretend it doesn't matter. The problem with Conservatives is that we have bought into the same lie that motivates the Liberals: the overriding belief that the American people are stupid. It makes Liberals hopeful and Conservatives despondent, but for neither of them does it make any difference. The American people are not stupid. They know when they are well off and they know a pathetic candidate when they see one. And for those who say we have to worry in order to make sure our fears are not realized, that is simply not true. Worry is not that answer; have you learned nothing from George W. Bush? The answer is to take action to convince people that you are the better answer. Republicans must stop wringing their hands and begin to govern like a majority party would. If they do not, over the next four years the American people will choose to be led by a party that at least knows what they stand for and don't care who gets in the way to do it. Republicans, take warning! Newsmax's worries may become self-fulfilling prophecies.

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