Friday, July 10, 2009

The Pendragon returns...Arthur II. I will not probably be as regular as I once was, due to more important things to do. So it's been nearly six months of the new regime and in that six months, the economy continues to plummet, Iran is on the brink of Civil War, North Korea is testing missiles in our direction, and what is our illustrious commander-in-chief doing? Doing infomercials on how we need national health care and taking his wife on expensive, taxpayer-funded trips to Broadway shows. When a business exec does it, it's akin to treason; when Obama does it, it's taking care of his marriage. The double standard is appalling but not really surprising. I'm glad Palin is out of politics for the moment as well--now to drive out McCain and Obama and all will be well again. 2010 is coming and the Dems are about to catch hell for their brainlessness.

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