Monday, April 16, 2012

It hit me today that Barack Obama does own one major advantage over Mitt Romney in the coming election. It isn't his record or his personality. It's his economy. Those of us disgusted by his lack of leadership are more likely to be strapped for cash while his billionaire Hollywood friends keep pumping his own coffers full. But it's nothing new: we've seen this before. You can fool some of the people all the time and all of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. The symbol of Obama's America is the empty pocket. It happens all the time in the real world: a kindhearted employer takes a chance on a passionate employee he believes shows promise. This is what America did in 2008; on a whim, we picked someone who had no immediate qualifications for the job simply because we figured it was worth a shot...and John McCain didn't really impress either. The experiment has failed, but thank the Good Lord, someone who is qualified is willing to run. Time to hire based on past performance and ability now. Obama must go.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Pendragon returns! I warned you, President Obama. We won't make the same mistake again. And we have not. The Republican Party has chosen the best possible candidate for decades, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. If we needed him four years ago, we need him doubly now. While the worst President in US History has run our country into the ground, morally and fiscally, the American people need a champion. Mitt Romney has turned around failing businesses all his life, he rescued a sinking Bain Corporation, helped make the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympics profitable and governed the most liberal state in the country as a staunch conservative, taking it from a deficit to a surplus without raising taxes. Cutting spending, that's what he does. He doesn't back down from judicial activists, he is staunchly pro-life and anti-illegal immigration. And he has a record to prove it. He also is a man of unquestioned integrity with a strong family life.

Compare it to Barack Obama. He lied and strong-armed his way to power, ram-rodded an unconstitutional health care overhaul down the throat of the American public, costs the taxpayers an astronomical amount on constant vacations, has sold out our actual allies on behalf of our enemies, and has driven an already-staggering country deeper into economic crisis. For years, liberals have told us that "it's the economy, stupid," but now they insist we should ignore the economy and focus instead on Barack's supposed reforms. It's time for real change, folks. Show Obama the door in 2012!

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Friday, July 10, 2009

The Pendragon returns...Arthur II. I will not probably be as regular as I once was, due to more important things to do. So it's been nearly six months of the new regime and in that six months, the economy continues to plummet, Iran is on the brink of Civil War, North Korea is testing missiles in our direction, and what is our illustrious commander-in-chief doing? Doing infomercials on how we need national health care and taking his wife on expensive, taxpayer-funded trips to Broadway shows. When a business exec does it, it's akin to treason; when Obama does it, it's taking care of his marriage. The double standard is appalling but not really surprising. I'm glad Palin is out of politics for the moment as well--now to drive out McCain and Obama and all will be well again. 2010 is coming and the Dems are about to catch hell for their brainlessness.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Call the newspapers...I agree with the Communist Party! Not that they were much different when they were in power.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

That's right...liars. Sarah Palin is a moron, but she's not that dumb. She gives plenty of material without making stuff up.

Oh, please God, yes. Republicans who picked McCain should be feeling deservedly stupid right about now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where's Bush's apology? Not so fun when it's your guy, is it?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Well, it's over. Barack Obama swept to a landslide win that shocked even the prescient Pendragon. 52% of the popular vote, 338 electoral votes (and counting), wins in solidly Republican states like Virginia, Indiana, Florida and Ohio. This election had it all.

Am I happy? Kind of. I can be a Republican again. I don't need to silently root against my own party. As far as I am concerned, the Republicans lost this race the moment they gave the nomination to John McCain. They gambled that Hillary Clinton would be the Democrats' nominee, that the Republican base would unite against her and McCain would woo over some moderates. But instead it became the old codger against the flashy upstart, the insider against the outsider, a boring old man instead of the great orator. The Republicans revealed in this election that they are afraid of any kind of change and it cost them dearly. They had a shot. One candidate could have boasted both experience and the outsider status. He could have spoken authoritatively on health care, economic woes, and had a solid record on social issues. There was only one problem with this man: he did not share the faith of a very vocal group of Republicans who essentially shot themselves in the foot. Because of the religious litmus test, the one man who might have compared favorably to Obama was rejected and the fate of the Republican party was sealed.

But I am not unhopeful. I wish the best to President-elect Obama, but I urge him not to get too comfortable. We won't make the same mistake twice.

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