Thursday, November 13, 2008

That's right...liars. Sarah Palin is a moron, but she's not that dumb. She gives plenty of material without making stuff up.

Oh, please God, yes. Republicans who picked McCain should be feeling deservedly stupid right about now.

You can't be serious you're going to let the media pick our candidate again? I find it ironic that after CNN and the rest of the MSM picked our losing candidate for us that you would think they have any right trying to do it again. Of course considering they are saying exactly what you want to hear, "Romney can win the presidency, Romney would've helped McCain win." it's not all that hard to believe. Romney bailed when things got a little tough, that must be a real presidential virtue. Of course considering our future president...
Actually, the MSM keeps hoping Sarah Palin will run. They would love that--they're the ones bringing it up at every opportunity. As for Romney, well, which of us in February would have known that the Democrats' primary would last till June? At that point, with stupid southern Christians imposing their litmus test, it looked like the Democrats would pick their nominee rather quickly and the Republicans would remain stalemated and divided. Of course Romney doesn't want to be the one that cost the Republicans the White House, so he did the thing I wish Hillary Clinton would have done and stepped aside for the good of the party. Nothing wrong with that. If he'd known how long the Democrats were going to fight, maybe he'd have stayed in longer and tried to fight it out. I think it was pretty pointless after Christians essentially divided between Huckabee and McCain. Hopefully by 2012 they'll have learned their lesson. McCain had an uphill battle from the start but he didn't help matters by suspending his campaign constantly to insert himself into partisan bickering in Washington; going from centrist to right-wing to centrist to liberal after being a liberal all his life; picking a VP who brought exactly nothing to the ticket; dragging a plumber around as some kind of financial genius; suspending his campaign in Michigan when he was behind by a few points, and then instead of focusing on Florida, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina--states he needed--spent all his time and money campaigning in PA where he never trailed by less than double digits. Obama scares me in many ways, but I think I'd be even more scared if McCain was in the White House. The man is clearly unbalanced with no plan for governing other than getting to the White House and then letting Congressional Democrats decide what to do with the country. We may as well have a real Democrat because now Hillary Clinton is finished. And hopefully in four years somebody with actual credentials (other than I really, really REALLY want to be president) can run.
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