Tuesday, September 02, 2008
While Obama's skillful managing of his campaign does indeed make him more qualified to be President than Sarah Palin, there is something bothering me about the media's treatment of this campaign. Eight years ago, Texas governor George W. Bush was considered a lightweight in national politics and the word tossed around when he picked Washington insider Dick Cheney as VP was "gravitas." Now Obama's been in Washington for a grand total of four years, so if anyone needs gravitas it is him. Yet I can find the word nowhere in the constant media coverage of the Obama/Biden campaign. That is clearly what Obama is doing, however; he needs Biden to balance his ignorance and teach him how to (occasionally) work across the aisle. The media seems to believe that Obama is some kind of seasoned statesman.
In the meantime, Palin has five young children, the youngest of whom is still breastfeeding and the eldest of whom just got pregnant out of wedlock. When is she going to have time to serve as VP let alone if McCain needs her to take over as President? This is the worst vice-presidential selection since McGovern picked Eagleton and it virtually ensures an Obama victory come November 4.
In the meantime, Palin has five young children, the youngest of whom is still breastfeeding and the eldest of whom just got pregnant out of wedlock. When is she going to have time to serve as VP let alone if McCain needs her to take over as President? This is the worst vice-presidential selection since McGovern picked Eagleton and it virtually ensures an Obama victory come November 4.
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You are crazy! She is going to INSURE John McCain gets elected. She has executive experience and class, I think she's the best thing I've seen from the Republican party since Reagan. You need to quit getting your info from the msm. They are so incensed about her because she is a real threat to their candidate. Makes me laugh to hear all the feminists slamming her ability to be a working mom. My goodness, they are all so.....I don't know SEXIST! As for Romney- I voted for him in the primary because I thought he was the best we had to choose from and he turned out to be a quitter. If McCain had chosen him for veep not only would this whole race be incredibly boring but they wouldn't be getting my vote. I'm excited and I'm pretty sure I'll be voting republican after all. btw, no one can make Obama look experienced.
Well, McCain gambled that conservatives have short memories and apparently he was right. I'm not getting my information from the msm, I'm getting it from Fox News. I'm sure she's a nice person and says all the right things, but that's a far cry from being fit for the job. The reason I will never support John McCain is because of what he has done to the Republican Party--we had the votes in place to break the deadlock over judges and the first thing he does is broker a deal with the Democrats to give them everything they want. Palin's right that Obama has never authored a major bill, but all of McCain's major bills have either been leftist (immigration reform) or unconstitutional (campaign finance reform). Don't worry--I hate Obama/Biden as much as anyone and certainly will not pull the lever for them in November (I actually looked up the rules for write-in today), nor am I happy about their impending victory. I am, if anything, very bitter over the lack of a good choice. Like we all were in 1996.
Yeah, I think that is what I hear in most of your election blogs- bitterness of not having a good choice. I haven't forgotten all the reasons not to like McCain. For me not to vote is just not a choice, usually you have to look for the best choice(lesser of two evils.) Very seldom is there anyone to get too excited about and the one really right candidate doesn't seem to be the norm. I was undecided if I could vote for McCain, if I did it would be basically to vote against Obama(who is evil and arrogant, downright scarey, IMO). But I read some stuff about Sarah Palin months ago and thought she sounded good, I was dumbfounded when he chose her! Everything I've heard from her and about her since has charged me with...if not excitement then at least hope. Especially if JM has one foot in the grave as everyone keeps predicting.
This is my take on her family situation- she is so pro-life, I love it!! And those kids have 2 parents, if her husband wasn't supportive of her being in politics she would never have been successful in being the mayor of Wasilla, let alone governor or VP candidate. They always say behind every great man there is a great woman, and it works both ways. Their family dynamics work for them, it may be very foreign to us but it doesn't make it wrong. Remember Deborah in the book of Judges? "Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time....Deborah, arose, arose a mother in Israel." Perhaps it's not the norm for a country to be lead by a mother but the Lord calls on people to rise up when they are needed.
Anyway, I didn't mean to sound so antagonistic, I was just in an excitable mood ..smile..
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This is my take on her family situation- she is so pro-life, I love it!! And those kids have 2 parents, if her husband wasn't supportive of her being in politics she would never have been successful in being the mayor of Wasilla, let alone governor or VP candidate. They always say behind every great man there is a great woman, and it works both ways. Their family dynamics work for them, it may be very foreign to us but it doesn't make it wrong. Remember Deborah in the book of Judges? "Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time....Deborah, arose, arose a mother in Israel." Perhaps it's not the norm for a country to be lead by a mother but the Lord calls on people to rise up when they are needed.
Anyway, I didn't mean to sound so antagonistic, I was just in an excitable mood ..smile..
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