Saturday, May 17, 2008
The quest for objective media is a forlorn one. CNN, CBS and ABC, as well as their trained dogs at TIME, THE NATION and other popular magazines are running adoring paeans to Barack Obama, about how wonderful he is and how much adversity he has triumphed over. FOX, on the other hand, falls down and worships McCain--they insert "former POW" into every story on him, much like CBS did with John Kerry four years ago, and run huge feature pieces on how much McCain is admired by his former bunk buddies from Vietnam. They boast headlines about how McCain got "ambushed" by uncomfortable questions about his wife. Someday perhaps we will be able to reach a state of equal treatment for both sides but in the meantime it seems that the only thing you can do is read the news you agree with and continue to blindly believe they're telling you the truth.