Friday, February 01, 2008

Stunning announcement from Ann Coulter on Fox! Consider a hearty amen from the Pendragon. I don't know that I would go so far as to campaign for Hillary, but with the rest I agree.

This story should be published far and wide and put on voting booths next Tuesday.

fun video, but I begin to doubt whether she means any word she'saying. In fact, I think she doesn't mean a word of anything she says...she's only in it to sell her mediocre books, to make money...ein frau ohne eigenschaften...I feel sorry for her.
Oh, you mean Hillary. I don't think her book was even mediocre- never made it to the NYT bestseller list. All Ann's books did.
Ann Coulter doesn't need to say anything in order to sell books. Hillary whitewashed herself as both Susan B. Anthony and June Cleaver and still couldn't sell that many copies of her book. She's right here too--you expect lies from anyone surnamed Clinton--but with McCain, we have met the enemy and he is us.
with friends like you he doesn't need enemies:)
"Quite right," the Pendragon says cheerfully.
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