Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Well, at least New Hampshire chose a qualified candidate. Not the best though. I may eventually support John McCain due to the absence of another electable candidate who is not a complete scumbag. But in the meantime, I remain a supporter of Mitt Romney, who must win either South Carolina or Michigan to remain a viable presence in the race. McCain has sold out his own party too many times to be trusted with its leadership. He scuttled President Bush's domestic program to advance his own presidential ambitions. Rudy Giuliani has done the same. Mike Huckabee is initiating religious warfare of his own. Mitt Romney has been stepping up the attacks on his opponents but he has yet to say anything untrue about either of them. He has simply pointed out the inconsistencies between their rhetoric and their records. They have reacted like Democrats, whining about unfair attacks, and unfortunately the Republican voters appear to believe them. Well, we shall see...fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!

On the Democratic side, I am divided as well. Much as I would love to see the Clinton machine dismantled at last, Obama truly frightens me. Not because he is anti-war--all that rhetoric won't amount to anything or because he is left of center on economic issues, which I couldn't care less about. It's the fact that Obama is as coldblooded a killer as any in the world today and no record of being "against torture" or whatever the crap is they're talking about these days can erase that. Every other Democrat, even those in favor of slaughering infants half out of the womb, believe that those who survive should be protected. Not Obama--he callously refused his assent to a bill designed to protect children outside the womb, refusing to believe they are actually human. On another side, Obama would be a more formidable challenge to the eventual Republican nominee in the general election and would be even scarier if elected president. My one hope is that the election will continue to be a bitter, hardfought affair that fatally divides the Democratic Party come November.

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