Friday, January 04, 2008

The Pendragon is highly disappointed that Iowa Republicans chose slick Michael for president last night but I stand by my defense of the caucus system. Now it remains to be seen if Huckabee can schmooze primary voters in the rest of the states. The Pendragon is thoroughly disgusted that Christians are so easily coerced by the simple formula of shared faith. Huckabee's Christmas ad was a disgrace, not because he said "Christmas" but because of the background. With his exposition of the "true meaning" of Christmas with a soft light casting a cross-shaped shadow on the wall behind him, Huckabee's message was clear: vote for me because I trust Jesus. Bush has never been shy about his faith but he did not claim that people should vote for him because he was a Christian. It's just been a part of who he was and you could accept him or reject him accordingly. Huckabee is something new in American politics, or at least new to this century: a politician who unabashedly is declaring that only a certain kind of Christian can be president of the United States and using it to further his own ambition. Nothing could be further from the American goal of true freedom of religion. There is a difference between a population of Christians electing a president who shares their broad faith and a Christian politician attempting to equate his own personal future with the will of God. Mnay have said this is what Bush has done, but a quick comparison of the Bush and Huckabee campaigns will prove that the former governor of Arkansas has far more in common with Jimmy Carter than with George Bush. The Pendragon only hopes that the people of New Hampshire will be more discerning.

The one silver lining is Obama's rather convincing defeat of Hillary. We are a long way from crowning him, but his impressive showing in Iowa proved that Hillary must fight hard to wrap up her cherished dream of holding onto power indefinitely.

is their one candidate who's not a christian? bush thanks god each time he's on television...there arent many presidents who end their speech whith: and may god bless my country...

one other qoute of bush, talking about their war on terror..bringing freedom: 'it's not the united states gift to the wrold, its gods gift to my politics are right, cause jesus believes me, and he knows i'm right, been talking to jezus all my life...ow wait that's an other song
Yes, but Bush has always kept his public comments strictly on line with America's public religion. Great liberal luminaries like FDR and LBJ also appealed to God, in fact in much more specific and theologically correct ways than Reagan or Bush. Clinton took care to be seen attending church once in awhile. There's a difference between claiming that God is not neutral between good and evil, and sending the message that you are the only Christian candidate.
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