Wednesday, January 02, 2008

On the eve of the Iowa caucuses, the Pendragon is issuing one last plea for any Iowa Republicans out there to support Mitt Romney. Don't believe the slick salesmanship of Mike Huckabee who wants to use his "Christian credentials" to divide the party. If conservative Christians had always believed this, they would have voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980. And don't believe the equal and opposite error that only by betraying all our principles can Republicans retain the presidency in November. Rudy Giuliani is not the man for us. Vote for a real Republican with a real plan for changing Washington for the better. Vote Mitt Romney.

The Chinese, long fabled as great seers and prophets, are not helping the Pendragon's low spirits. They have named 2008 the "year of the rat." This seems to bespeak a Hillary-Giuliani race or perhaps that would be known as "the year of the twin rats."

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