Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's always interesting to note what presidential candidates are reading in their spare time. It gives you a bit of an idea what to expect. When asked recently what book (besides the Bible, assuming any of them were reading that) they thought was most important, Giuliani said he liked "Profiles in Courage" by JFK; Hillary said she would read the Constitution (whether the paper version or the "living" version was not clear); Romney recommended "John Adams" by David McCullough; Barack Obama said "Team of Rivals" had inspired him. John McCain said, "What's a book?" I'm paraphrasing. I like what Ann Coulter said in her article this week: "The bright side of the Florida debacle is that I no longer fear Hillary Clinton. (I mean in terms of her becoming president -- on a personal level, she's still a little creepy.) I'd rather deal with President Hillary than with President McCain. With Hillary, we'll get the same ruinous liberal policies with none of the responsibility." Bingo! With the Pendragon longingly eyeing Barack Obama, at least I know that when, not if, the Democrats win back the presidency this November, I'll be able to oppose all the policies coming out of Washington. If on the off-chance of a freeze-over in hell, the old coot is able to slip through the cracks into the Oval Office, any criticism I make will be deflected with, "Show some loyalty to your own party." If only someone had said that to McCain back in the day.

So who would be the best running mate for either candidates?
I guess McCain should have a young guy teaming up whith him..any guesses?
For Obama, maybe he could do well with Edwards, drawing wite votes from the south? Or else Wesley Clark, for some counterweight against McCain?Bill Richardson for the latin vote?
Not so sure about McCain. I think Giuliani is angling for it but a fellow liberal won't balance the ticket well. Yet he is unlikely to find a conservative northeasterner to balance him geographically and ideologically. The closest thing to a guess I have is possibly Sam Brownback, a noted conservative from the plains.

On the Democratic side, I can't imagine Edwards wanting the #2 position again. As a candidate I think Bill Richardson would provide the greatest balance. He's likable, moderate, and very experienced. He would add some much-needed gravitas to an Obama ticket besides even attracting some recalcitrant Republicans (such as myself) to jump ship and support the Democrats.
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