Monday, January 28, 2008
In one of the richest moves in the history of politics, John McCain the RINO has lumped rival Romney with Hillary Clinton. Of course, he used that strategy in 2000 as well, lumping Bush, the anti-Clinton, with Bill. Turns out the aging, possibly senile, senator couldn't even get his facts straight. Romney had suggested that there be private milestones to withdrawal from Iraq but not ones shared with the general public. "You don't want to let the enemy know how long they have to hide in the weeds before you're gone." Seems a sound enough response, but McCain charged that Romney wanted to set deadlines, "and the only deadline is victory. Victory!" I appreciate what was apparently an audition for some kind of Scottish nationalism movie, and it certainly plays well down south where tough talk is often substituted for action. But it seems a little vague--even Bush is willing to set stipulations to be met, but how does one define "victory"? Beyond even this, however, is the sheer dishonesty of the move. If we wanted a hero with credentials thirty years old to be president, we could have elected Kerry. Yet McCain, who voted against Bush tax cuts "for the rich," now says he thought they were inappropriate during wartime, or, in the latest release, favors making them permanent. And Romney is the flip-flopper? McCain is soft on defense--in early debates he championed a long list of restrictions on intelligence and military operatives and toned down the hawkish rhetoric of Giuliani, Tancredo and Romney. That didn't work for him, so in his endless effort to be president, he is changing tones. Someone needs to get him a sandal. Hopefully, the Florida voters will consider tomorrow: Do we really want a pathological liar for president?