Friday, January 18, 2008

George Will has McCain's Number.

Lining up with all the other reasons to reject the RINO's and loonies jockeying for the limelight is the fact that Mitt Romney is the only national candidate. Giuliani has not been a presence in any primary or caucus so far--banking all on Florida. Watching him lose that gamble will be fun. Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan and Nevada are all swing states come November and voters are likely to remember that the good mayor didn't give them the time of day. Huckabee, in the meantime, is shamelessly touting regional politics when he declares, "The first-in-the-south candidate is going to win the first-in-the-south primary." Get yer guns, rebels! I'm the southern candidate. McCain on the other hand ignored Iowa, Nevada and Wyoming to focus his attention on New Hampshire and now, South Carolina. Romney has campaigned in every state. The message of his campaign has been that every state is important and every state should have a say in the election of a national president. Swing state voters are likely to remember which Republican candidate campaigned for their votes, and with the Democrats running strong in every state, no Republican can afford to alienate voters. And of course with McCain and Giuliani the threat is a repeat of 2006: loyal Republicans, unexcited about their choices (McCain has yet to win a Republican-only primary) staying at home while Democrats flood the polls for their man or woman. Would we really want to risk it?

well, but the same can be said about Romney. the rep. party needs the evangelical vote to win the elections and (except for you) they are not all that exited about a mormon president.
Romney is a clever guy, but to me it seems he doesnt have a spine, flip-flopping over major subjects. I disagree on a lot with McCain but he stands for what he believes in and has the leadership skills that Romney lacks..but hey what do I care..I hope for a democrat in the White House
I would have thought you'd like a flip-flopper. One of your chief complaints about Bush has been his inability to change his mind. Those who think Bush is inflexible ain't seen nothing yet. McCain is the epitome of bullheadedness. As for Romney, the only issue he has ever flip-flopped on is abortion, and he flipped the wrong way (according to leftwingers anyway) so now he has to pay.
well maybe your right about that..but still he's a mormon, that could pose serious problems if evangalicals decided to stay home. Very interesting though, the role of religion in this election
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