Saturday, January 12, 2008

All presidential elections seem the same these days. As in 2004, a senator is dragging out his thirty-year-old war record and hoping conservatives forgive him for his record in Washington because of it. John McCain is certainly a war hero, but it doesn't get him out for what he has done in Washington. So, in the interest of clarifying things, here are the top ten reasons NOT to vote for John McCain in the Republican primaries. Note that this is not a list of why not to vote for him in November, so anyone who is not a Republican should not expect to agree with this list and therefore should have no comment on whether or not it is valid.

10. He has voted against the Bush tax cuts every time they were brought to the Senate floor.
9. He has consistently favored tying our military's hands in regards to gathering information they need to protect this country.
8. His temper has made him look unprofessional even for an assembly that boasts Teddy Kennedy and Bobby Byrd as members. When someone questioned his judgment on a piece of legislation that certainly deserved it, McCain told him to "F-- off!" Remember when we referred to John Kerry as John "F'in" Kerry?
7. McCain's age will play unfavorably in the lineup against either Obama or Hillary. He may be the one person less likeable than Hillary Clinton and too old to compete with the swell of young voters looking for new faces in Washington.
6. McCain actually toyed with the idea of being John Kerry's running mate in 2004, only reluctantly denied it, and showed a strange unwillingness to take the kid gloves off when dealing with Kerry for the rest of the election. But he found his way to help Kerry's program.
5. McCain has no governing experience, having served his entire public career in the Legislative Branch.
4. McCain voted against the Marriage Amendment and was strangely absent from the debates over partial-birth abortion.
3. McCain joined Ted Kennedy in sponsoring the "Amnesty By Any Other Name" bill that the vast majority of the American people rejected. In 1992, another Clinton squeaked into office because a third-party candidate took the voters most interested in an end to illegal immigration away from the Republicans. Do we want it to happen again?
2. McCain scuttled President Bush's domestic agenda and undid years of Republican campaigning when he sold out Bush's nominees for the bench and handed authority for deciding which ones got voted on to the Democratic minority, all in the name of bipartisanship, which was really a code-name for "McCain 2008."
1. McCain's cosponsored campaign finance reform bill is an unconstitutional limitation of free speech that does not address monetary corruption at all, and so settles for shutting people up, a clear violation of their First Amendment rights. Again, McCain settled for getting his name on a bill with a good title to it so he could be poised to win the presidency in 2008. Like that other senator with a military record, McCain's ambition has blinded him to the greater needs and desires of the people he is supposed to represent.

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