Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Pendragon is thinking I would have made a great Reagan Democrat. For all my supposed conservative credentials, I still rank FDR and Truman high on my presidential rankings, higher than I do Ford or Nixon, indeed in most cases higher than I do Reagan. I would have been a fervent supporter of Robert Kennedy or Hubert Humphreys or William Jennings Bryan, men who championed the cause of the downtrodden and urged greater economic restraint on the wealthy, but who were unabashedly firm in their commitment to moral principles. It is this which makes it so hard for me to go down the easy road of supporting Rudy Giuliani for president. I am with him neither economically nor socially. Mitt Romney is a fiscal conservative for the most part, but his real message is of social conservatism. Yet patriotic conservatives will have no choice if they are not careful--Giuliani and Hillary; Giuliani and Obama; Giuliani and Edwards are all two sides to the same coin. With one major difference: Edwards and Obama have greater claim to moral character and leadership skills than Giuliani does.

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