Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sometimes it's hard to figure out which side of the aisle is worse. If it's not Pennsylvania's shemale lieutenant governor handing out anti-war literature at the funeral, then it's the Westboro Baptist Church blaming a Marine's death in Iraq on the country's acceptance of homosexuality. First of all, the country hasn't accepted homosexuality; it has in some places been forced down the throat of the voters by an activist lobby and their tame judges. But even if it had been accepted, while I don't pretend to speak for God, I can assure the good Baptists this soldier's death was in no way connected to homosexuality one way or the other. He died because he was in a combat zone during an active war. He died to protect this country and his sacrifice should be appreciated, not protested! I can only hope the soldiers' grieving father wins his lawsuit against the jumped-up Church and that perhaps this will convince them that there are times to keep their opinions to themselves.

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