Friday, August 03, 2007

The reasons to support Mitt Romney keep mounting. The Pendragon received an email from the campaign entitled "A Surge of Support." I opened it cautiously, expecting it to be a plea for money. It was--but it was a plea for Romney supporters to join any number of non-profit organizations collecting money for care packages for our soldiers overseas. See the full list here. The Pendragon is impressed that a presidential candidate, usually in quest of cash for themselves, is urging his supporters to send care packages to the troops and providing the links to do so. The Pendragon joins Mr. Romney in encouraging all his American readers to do what they can to show our troops we're still behind them.

On yesterday, the Pendragon stumbled across what may be the most passionate, yet also the most reasonable, historically- and religiously-based defense of Christians reading Harry Potter. I did not know myself some of the Christian imagery he explores, but his argument that American, indeed Western, Christians don't know what their own religion is, certainly holds. The ignorance of the modern Church is only to be outweighed by its smug moral superiority complex. Anyway, check out the article here.

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