Monday, June 11, 2007
Now they want a straight up-or-down vote. You have to love Democrats. After making life miserable for the majority these last twelve years, they have essentially handed the new Republican minority the tools to scuttle their every measure. After all, we've endured seven years of Democrats saying they don't want to rush into things and they don't want to vote publicly on measures, and now Republicans are saying the same things. It's actually good. We've got the Dems by the short and curlies. They can't protest that the procedures are wrong since they used it to great effect against President Bush and a Republican majority. Even the charge of hypocrisy can't be used since it could easily be responded that the Dems are hypocritical for discouraging the same procedures they used for years. And they have nowhere near a great enough majority to invoke cloture, even with RINOs like McCain and Specter taking their side. So their program is dead in the water as their approval ratings fall, pretty much in lockstep with the President's. Enjoy your "majority", boys.