Thursday, June 21, 2007
A good perspective on Bloomberg's announcement yesterday. I'd be willing to bet history does not repeat itself, however. Conservatives are not likely to abandon the Republican nominee, who will probably not be Giuliani, for someone who can't even pretend to be conservative. If anything, Bloomberg will drag voters away from the mealy-mouthed Clinton, by offering himself as the true, liberal alternative to Hillary.
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what a bunch of crap on that townhallsite, i mean calling bloomberg's policies socialist?? That's just would be in the same category of saying Mitt Romney is a fascist
Well, I'm glad you won't be making that mistake anyway. Unfortunately, that's an element of political discussion today. Leftists have been calling right-wingers fascists for years (conveniently forgetting that fascism is socialism) so they're bound to be retaliated against in kind. I don't know Bloomberg well enough to know if he fits into the socialist category, but I agree with the main thrust of the article: Leftists hope Bloomberg will split the Republican vote. My own theory stands: If anything he'd split Hillary's.
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