Thursday, May 10, 2007
The Pendragon owes my few readers an apology for the lack of consistent updating recently. I plan to light up the blogosphere this summer, but for the moment I am up to my eyebrows in the British occupation of Philadelphia during the American Revolution, and desperately trying to finish my last paper before the Monday morning deadline. I do have one comment on recent news, however. France's election of a conservative President has given the lie once and for all to the liberal myth that Bush has alienated the rest of the world with his policy. Australia, Great Britain, and Japan have maintained their pro-America governments; Canada, Germany, and now France have elected pro-American governments. How ticked off can the rest of the world be? As Ann Coulter rightly points out, they're more ticked off at maniac Muslims burning cars in their streets. Now, the only question is: Will Americans elect a pro-American government? Right now, it's not looking good.