Thursday, May 24, 2007

I just don't get it. The Pendragon applauds President Bush for sticking to his guns (no pun intended) on the Iraq War funding bill and it has paid off. The Democrats in Congress have bowed to his demands because their political interest dictates that they not be seen denying funding to the troops. Why can he not do the same on immigration reform? Here is another issue that political interests demand action upon. Neither party wants to be seen as blocking it, yet here the Republicans have chosen to cave. The Democrats have the majority but they have no upper-hand here. According to the latest polls, their approval ratings are neck-and-neck with the President's (about 33%). The country is fed up with the President's apologetic behavior and the Democrats' politicization of the War on Terror for their own ends--ignoring the good of the country to make cheap political shots. Bush could have the edge here. Public opinion is strongly against amnesty for illegal immigration. Had he come out strongly against the bill and vowed to veto it, I'm willing to bet public opinion would have forced the mavericks to the sidelines so the real pros can work. The mood of the country being what it is, I'm daring to predict both presidential nominees next year will be Washington outsiders. Sorry, Senators McCain and Clinton! These facts make Dick Morris' latest blathering in the Town Hall even more insane than usual. But the Pendragon will magnanimously cut him some slack--he is first and foremost a political advisor, unconcerned with other matters (such as the good of the nation), he can simply advise politicians to do whatever they can to promote their own career. Machiavelli would be proud.

Ann Coulter has the right idea.

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