Thursday, April 26, 2007
It is rare indeed that a Democrat obligingly proves the underlying thesis of his/her party's anti-life bias. But New York Governor Elliot "Spitwad" did just that today. In the same paper, the Pendragon was humorlessly amused to read that in the wake of the Supreme Court upholding the ban on the horrendous process of partial-birth abortion, our new governor has vowed to vamp up New York's ancient abortion laws to more efficiently protect "a woman's right to choose" to kill her baby, and his and Assembly Democrats' reluctance to act in concert with Senate Republicans to require the death penalty for people who shoot cops (a rash of this kind of activity has broken out in New York state recently). Sure, the Pendragon gets it: Kill murderers? Nah, let's kill babies instead. But this is part and parcel of the same package. Like others in his Party, Spitzer believes in killing the innocent and letting the guilty live. I believe in killing the guilty and letting the innocent live. What it all boils down to, like the shooting at Virginia Tech last week, is a culture based on the narcissistic assumption that individual autonomy rules all. The mother gets to make a choice to kill her unborn child, who has no say in the matter. The gunman gets to make a choice to shoot a police officer, who gets no say in the matter. The Pendragon is not impressed by appeals to autonomy because it's more of this "give-me-my-rights" crap we get everyday. What's missing from the national discourse, of course, is the simple fact that your rights are circumscribed by the rights of others to the basics of life. The Left is real big on this when it comes to stripping achievers of their money to hand out to people on welfare, but when it comes to anything real, they don't seem to get it. The baby has a right to live as well--the police officer has a right to know the state he serves is looking out for him. The Pendragon is now a father and looking at my tiny child, I cannot fathom what would possess somebody to choose their so-called "right" to an easy life and limitless sex over the undeniable right of the child to live. This country was founded on the "self-evident" truth that "All men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, and among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Thomas Jefferson would not recognize the republic today--the pursuit of happiness has swamped everything, drowning out the right to life and liberty. It is a sick twist of fate that makes unborn babies inconveniences to be stomped out and psychotic murderers pitiable victims of their environment. It's time to end this. We need to rid ourselves of the psychologized, therapeutic culture of narcissism that turns everything upside down. Spitzer, the murderers of police officers, the Virginia Tech gunman are only the latest symptoms, and it's going to get much worse.
As self-indulgence rules our land, some children just don't fit the plan
And so we pluck them from God's hand: Is our destruction looming?
Little flowers hid from sight, many colors dark and light
Are seized and swept into the night, roses kept from blooming.
The Pendragon is also growing increasingly unnerved by the direction the 2008 election is taking. While RINO Giuliani maintains a slight lead over much more qualified candidates in the Republican Party, pundits are stumped nationwide to understand why Hillary maintains her frontrunner status, challenged only by Barack Obama. The two candidates who have the most things wrong with them are the two doing the best in all the polls. This despite John Edwards' masterful manipulation of the public with his constant touting of his "working class" background and insipid use of the sympathy card drummed up from his son's death and his wife's disease, and despite the clear qualifications of men like Joe Biden and Bill Richardson. But on the second thought, it doesn't seem so strange. Clinton and Obama, in addition to having no morality-induced scruples (a feature they seem to share with Giuliani and McCain come to think of it), have cards to play that get them out of jail free if you'll pardon the Monopoly pun. Any criticism leveled against them can be dismissed as racism or sexism. The Pendragon can make the undeniably true statement that they're both left-wing nut jobs with serious mental imbalances and it will be written off as dislike for a black or female candidate. They're untouchable. This only works for left-wing blacks and women, by the way, criticize Elizabeth Dole and Alan Keyes all you want. The Pendragon actually supported Keyes over Bush in the 2000 primary--but they'll find something wrong with him. Why weren't those people considered racist and sexist? Well that's the mentality of the Democrats: heads we win, tails you lose.