The issue of choosing issues over theological beliefs is nothing new in American history. In 1800, a Presbyterian minister responded to the charges of Deism raised against Thomas Jefferson (true charges by the way): "Because Mr. Jefferson is suspected of Deism, are we to raise a hue and cry against him, as if he ought to be instantly deprived of his rights of citizenship? If he be an infidel, I lament it for two reasons:
from a concern for his own personal salvation, and that a religion, which is so much spoken against, does not receive his countenance and aid. But notwithstanding this, I think myself
perfectly consistent in saying that I had much rather have Mr. Jefferson President of the United States than an aristocratic Christian (emphasis added)." The Pendragon is not quite sure he would have gone that far in 1800 (I rather like John Adams) but the case remains true today. Presidents should be chosen on the basis of where they stand on the important issues of the day and not their commitment to any abstract theology. In fact, as the below listing shows, some of the Presidents ranked the highest by Christians had rather questionable religious affiliations. The reverse is also true.
George Washington: an Episcopalian who belonged to the Freemasons.
John and John Quincy Adams: Unitarians.
Thomas Jefferson: Deist.
Andrew Jackson: Presbyterian/Freemason.
Abraham Lincoln: None.
Herbert Hoover: Quaker
Richard Nixon: Quaker.
Ronald Reagan: None recorded (!).
Consider the reverse:
John F. Kennedy (Roman Catholic)
Warren G. Harding (Baptist)
LBJ (Disciples of Christ)
Jimmy Carter (Baptist)
Bill Clinton (Southern Baptist).
Theological beliefs are a great way to choose a pastor--they should not determine the choice of the United States president. After all, going by religious beliefs, Christians should have overwhelmingly voted for Jimmy Carter, not Reagan, but they wisely chose to back the man who was right on the issues. Let's do it again in 2008!