Sunday, April 15, 2007
As usual, the liberals themselves have provided the best reason for choosing Mitt Romney to take down the wicked witch next November. Noted moron Gary Trudeau, whose main claim to fame is putting easily-refuted lines into the mouths of people far, far smarter than he is, used his cartoon "Doonesbury" this Sunday to mock Republicans for claiming to be the party of morality when their frontrunners--whom he conveniently defines as McCain, Giuliani, and Gingrich--have five divorces between them, all involving adultery. The Democratic frontrunners on the other hand have no such bad record. Leaving aside for the moment that Gingrich is not even placing in the national polls, so where Trudeau comes up with the idea that he is a frontrunner is beyond me, we do have a frontrunner (possibly two if Fred Thompson of Tennessee chimes in as he is expected to) who have no divorces and are solid family men. This is a main reason the Pendragon rejects McCain and Giuliani (though the good senator only has one divorce to Giuliani's three). In spite of the fact that the hypocrisy argument is unfair (Republicans could just respond that they were taking Democrats' advice and leaving personal lives out of the contest, turning the hypocrisy back on them), it will be used. Hillary did not like Bob Dole using his moral high ground in 1996 (which he undoubtedly had)--but you can bet she'll use whatever she can against Rudy or McCain. Back in 2005, the Pendragon feared such an outcome--Rudy vs. Hillary for New York Senate was bad enough. Rudy vs. Hillary for US President would be far, far worse.