Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Actor and wienie Sean Penn is making waves again. This time he presumes he can dictate to the country at large. Not entirely sure who his presumed allies are, but the Pendragon was heartened to hear Penn declare that he was voting for Dennis Kucinich. He railed about the Iraq War (as usual), claiming that he has been outside the Green Zone of Bagdhad "without security" as Bush has not. I'm not sure what respect this entitles him to, since even terrorists are smart enough to know who their true friends are and I'm sure he was in no danger (except maybe some friendly fire here and there). Killing Bush would help their cause; killing Penn would hurt them. He called Iran "a great country" and "one of our most promising future allies in decades" (whatever that means), showing as usual no regard for tiny little things called facts. Iran has not been our ally or considered a future ally in my memory. He read his statement on C-Span, but couldn't even get through the reading without stuttering. I thought this guy was an actor--he couldn't memorize a five-minute presentation? I have long suspected that Hollywood stars can't read and Penn's stumbling over words like "criminal" and "obscene" (both of which he applied to the American government without making any kind of explanation for what makes us "criminal" and "obscene") confirmed the theory. My favorite part was when he said, speaking to President Bush, "We cower when you shake your finger at us." I don't know; there's an awful lot of Sean Penns shooting their mouths off about Bush and the Iraq War (they even come on this blog once in awhile) to give credence to the idea that Bush scares them. Or, when he said, "We (by "we" I guess he means Hollywood) tell the Democratic Party what to do." Or when he called on his fellow Hollywood billionaries trying to pretend they give a rat's behind about the poor to "show we can fire this President and put him in f*ing prison." Earth to Sean: Bush isn't up for re-election. When the people were given the choice to fire or re-hire him, they chose to re-hire, but the 2008 election is not about that. Plus, your record is quite so unspotted.
With friends like these, Democrats don't need enemies. Sean Penn, convinced that the macho roles he plays in movies are real, tries to get all manly and shout at the President but can't even make it through a prepared statement without stammering and shaking. I found this response to Penn here thoroughly enjoyable to watch. I do not know who Cynthia (the girl in the video) is but her brains apparently match her looks. She's certainly got Penn's number.
With friends like these, Democrats don't need enemies. Sean Penn, convinced that the macho roles he plays in movies are real, tries to get all manly and shout at the President but can't even make it through a prepared statement without stammering and shaking. I found this response to Penn here thoroughly enjoyable to watch. I do not know who Cynthia (the girl in the video) is but her brains apparently match her looks. She's certainly got Penn's number.