Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Why do I support Mitt Romney's presidential bid? I do not share his faith so I obviously am not involved in some kind of Latter-Day Saints takeover of the world. Those who fear the idea of a Mormon President would be advised to look to the past. We've had two Quakers, two Unitarians, and at least three Freemasons as President. But look at the issues. I am one who tends to prize reality over names. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." And what I see is a man unashamed of his Mormon faith who is staunchly pro-life, pro-family and pro-America. He has a stellar record of working hard with liberal Democrats in the northeast (as opposed to George Bush who really hadn't met too many liberal Democrats before he came to Washington), of championing conservative values in the face of unbelievable pressure to conform. It's not often we get a candidate with unimpeachable conservative Republican credentials who has a shot at taking some blue states out of the Democratic column. With a southern Republican on the ticket, he could easily hold the traditional red states while knocking out some blue ones. His moral integrity is beyond question. Now let's take a look at the others, shall we? Sam Brownback is great, but I don't think senators have what it takes to be president--most of them don't make great ones. Plus nobody knows who he is. John McCain...enough said. George Pataki...the snake abandoned his state to advance his own agenda. Rudy Giuliani...same thing. Plus the "faith" these three profess has absolutely no bearing on their positions. I refuse to vote for someone who calls himself a Catholic and votes like John Kerry. If McCain or Pataki have any religious faith at all, I surely don't see them professing it. The faith difference doesn't bother me. Romney is the best Republican candidate on the issues (by extension, the best in the field) and so he is my unequivocal choice for 44th President of the United States.

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