Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Pendragon is a fairly tenderhearted person but the events overnight have sent me into a blast of joy unrivalled by anything in the past year (except in the announcement of the imminent birth of my first child). The tyrant of Iraq who terrorized the Middle East and the world for years is gone, brought to justice for his crimes against his people. Despite ample evidence to his atrocities, the people he had wronged sat down in a court of law and convicted him by due process rather than shoot him on the spot. And for once the American judicial system didn't butt in, proving there is still some respect for sovereignty among the lawyer profession. Will this magically end the violence? Of course not. But it is proof that justice sometimes comes to wrongdoers and for this we rejoice. (Oh, and before I forget, less than 3,000 casualties in two years of fighting is insanely LIGHT for any war and people need to stop dribbling about it.) Even in the Scriptures, God's people sing for joy when the unjust fall and we are well justified in so doing.

Come out of her, my people, and never go back again
For all her vulgar vanities have been heaped up as high as Heaven:
The nations drank her maddening wine--now God's remembered all her crimes
And she'll be paid back double, for all that she has done.
Never will the sound of a song be heard in you again
Or the voice of the bride and the bridegroom or the echo of the workers' din:
Your merchants were the world's great men through consumption's cult, your greed and sin
And you'll become a spectacle to weep and mourn and cry:
Woe, woe is Babylon, city of great power
Behold your doom, you are consumed in a single hour!
Fallen, fallen, fallen is Babylon; fallen, fallen, City of Doom!
The Queen of every dark desire, fallen by famine, plague and fire!
Fallen is Babylon, fallen is the City of Doom.

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