Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I have an idea...if the Democrats win control of one or both Houses of Congress, why don't Republicans start a group saying the election was obviously rigged and there were glitches in the voting machines that rejected Republican ballots but not Democratic ballots. Sound far out? The Democrats have been doing that every election since 1994.

Ah, Election Day. The Pendragon loves to vote (early and often, as they say) and what continues to pique my interest is that names of the new political parties. Over in CT, Joe Liebermann has his own party: Connecticut for Liebermann. Apparently "Independent" isn't a valid term anymore. I hope someday it drops out of use completely and Independent voters are forced to come up with their own party name: New York's Party of Disillusioned Ex-Liberals Who Want to Vote Conservative but Can't. In my home country today several candidates for governor sported party names like "The Rent is Too High" party (almost voted for them out of sympathy with their name). I remember a few years ago when I was a resident of Tioga County seeing a state assembly candidate running for "Tioga's Future" party. As a lifelong conservative Republican, the Pendragon generally votes party lines, even when he knows it is a losing cause--such as Mayor Hopeless running for Senate against Hillary, or the bright, capable John Faso left high and dry by his own party. I hope my vote comes as a consolation. This race has certainly convinced me that I could never conscionably support George Pataki's bid for the presidency in 2008, unless he was the alternative to Hillary. I must, however, confess that being taken with Andrew Cuomo's rebuke to the DNC on their opposition to Bush's war on terror, I voted for him to be attorney general over the Republican candidate who is in trouble with the law. Forgive me, Ronald Reagan. The Pendragon calls on all Americans, Democrat or Republican, to express their opinion tonight. The government in Washington needs to know you're out there. For my part, I expect very little to change no matter which party wins at the end of the day. I do not expect a clear majority to emerge for either side and what I really expect is gridlock. Not that that's a bad thing--if we can't get good laws passed, I suppose at least we won't get bad ones passed either.

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