Monday, November 20, 2006

And the chicken race continues. Fox News announced today that former House Speaker, and blowhard, Newt Gingrich will seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2008. What a line of winners both parties are assembling: with Gray Locks, Ambulance Chasers and the Wicked Witch of the West lining up for the Democrats, we have our own set of undesirables lining up for the Republican nod--what with Pataki, McCain and now Gingrich joining the fray. 2008 could well be the first presidential election since at least 1996 where both parties lose no matter who is in office. Gingrich of course as always is shaping his presidential bid as an outsider. "The others are running for president; I'm running to change the country." Sadly, however, Gingrich could not even manage to change the country as Speaker of the House and de facto leader of Congressional Republicans, other than to simply block Clinton's legislation, and then even allowed himself to get outmaneuvered so that the Republicans in Congress were blamed for the gridlock. Not exactly quick on the uptake and being President is much more "by the seat of your pants" than being a Congressional leader. I won't be putting up his signs anytime soon.

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