Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The RINO has finally gored the people who feed him. Senator John McCain declared this past week that the problems the US is currently facing in North Korea are the result of the failures (yes, that's right--failures) of the Clinton administration. That's right--the Agreed Framework by which we promised the North Koreans to be nice to them if they'd not make nuclear weapons, to the extent that we wouldn't even inspect them till 1999, was a flop. Democrats simply can't comprehend why "the Dear Leader", in reality a megalomaniac dictator, would lie to them. This is the approach they advised with Iraq, remember. If they had their way, Saddam Hussein could be sitting on a stockpile of nuclear weapons right now, taunting the world. Democrats only like nuclear weapons if there is a chance Americans get wiped out by them. Then they can use it for political points: send us to Congress because we know how to kiss butt, er, I mean, negotiate with mass murderers. It's really disgusting. Far and away, the Democrats' attitude about national security is far more perverted than anything Congressman Foley did, even in his dirtiest dreams. Notice what happened to Foley? He crawled off somewhere in disgrace and the Republicans have not wasted any time in defending him, they have gotten on with running the country and preparing for the election. Were Foley a Democrat, he would chew his underlip and scream about the vast, right-wing conspiracy that read his email and was out to destroy him. Heck, we're not allowed to tap the emails and phone lines of terrorists, yet suddenly the Democrats are all afire with holy passion to rid Washington of the scum bags. That will never happen while Teddy Kennedy remains in the city. If anyone like the Pendragon points this out, of course, we are accused of being hypocrites because "Republicans are supposed to be socially conservative." And? Because we don't support homosexuality and propositioning of minors, we're not allowed to have some rotten apples of our own? That does at least explain why the Democrats get off--they support all those things. But I highly doubt the American voter will be fooled--after all, they saw in 1998 that sexual deviance doesn't matter because "everyone's doing it." Good luck selling the morality talk...have you left no sense of decency, sir?