Saturday, September 23, 2006

With the Republicans all but vanquished in New York state, the hope for Party loyalists lies south of the border in Pennsylvania. Rick Santorum, the embattled Republican senator, is at least a real choice. He is one of the few Republican lawmakers to react verbally to Hugo Chavez's insane speech at the UN: “President Chavez’s recent remarks at the United Nations referring to President Bush as ‘the devil’ demonstrate how seriously deranged, misguided and dangerous the Venezuelan leader is. His comment that the United States is the ‘greatest threat looking over our planet, placing at risk the very survival of the human species’ is similarly ridiculous. I am deeply troubled that representatives of countries attending the session at the UN greeted these misguided, irrational and outrageous remarks with applause. In addition, Chavez used the forum to plead for votes to elect Venezuela to the UN Security Council. Given his alliance with the greatest threat to security of the world today, Iran, electing Venezuela to the UN Security Council would be an insult to all peace-loving nations.” At last a real man. I can only hope that Pennsylvania chooses him over the party of cowardice and retreat.
Most intriguingly, that Lynn Swann is running for governor. A man's man, Swann is famous for his professional football career with the Pittsburgh Steelers as an all-pro wide receiver. The African-American is also a principled, conservative, Bush-backing Republican. The one who fearlessly stared down opposing defenses, making spectacular catches under pressure from three or more defenders, should have no trouble handling naysayers in the media and terrorists from abroad. Lynn Swann for Pennsylvania governor!