Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Pendragon is the owner of a baseball cap which reads, "Proud to be a Republican," but no more. The Pendragon remains a Republican out of compulsion, but can no longer take pride in the fact. This has nothing to do with Bush or his platform, which are indeed one reason the Pendragon can still call himself a neoconservative Republican, it is the loser's mentality which has pervaded the Party for years and has now convinced Republican leadership to abandon the state of New York to its own devices. I went down to vote in the Republican primary on Tuesday and voted for a senatorial candidate named K.T. McFarland, a senior Pentagon official under Ronald Reagan, who lined up in every way with a spirited prosecution of the war on terror. While she would have faced almost certain defeat at the hands of Now-I'm-Going-To-Be-a-Moderate Clinton in the Fall, she at least would have been a slightly more noticeable choice to take on Madam Haw-Haw. Now instead voters in New York are being treated to a contest, if it can be called one, of a controversial and well-known former First Lady being challenged by a (former) mayor of Yonkers! The Republicans have just surpassed the Democrats in supplying a candidate with absolutely no qualifications for statewide office. Even Hillary comes off well in a comparison. In gubernatorial and state attorney general affairs, the big names run for the Democrats--Elliot Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo. New York is now officially a 1.5 Party state, and the Pendragon is so disgusted he is considering not even voting in November. The outcome is set in stone before the first ballot is cast. What's the point of trying?

Grover Cleveland was mayor (Of Buffalo!) before he became a governor and went on to win the highest office in the land. So I don't think that being a mayor makes you the lowest form of political pnd life.
Yes, that was Buffalo, not Yonkers and it was also over a hundred years ago. The Republicans have proven they have given up on New York by the people they choose to back in these statewide races, so I say, fine. Losers menality equals Losers at the polls.
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