Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Pendragon has been asked what he thinks of Hugo Chavez's "I smell the sulfur" speech at the UN a couple days ago, or about the new movie from the UK depicting the dream of every liberal, except those running for office in November: the assassination of George W. Bush. I toyed with writing a detailed response, but in the end the best thing to do is adhere to the old adage that it is pointless to exchange pleasantries with lunatics and argue with the insane.

It should be noted, however, that there is a great silver lining here. The more Chavez runs off at the mouth and the more hostile an open sewer like the UN expresses its rage at Bush, the more the Democrats are going to keep falling in the polls. Americans may not like Bush or his cronies but they still vastly prefer them to corrupt autocrats from the hindquarters of the hemisphere. If the leadership over at the DNC wants to ensure a Democratic win this November, let alone two years from now, they are going to have to shut these people up. Only then will they be considered an acceptable American alternative to the current regime in Washington. In the meantime, maybe they should get some coffee and relax...maybe over a nice game of "Mercenaries."

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