Monday, August 14, 2006

This is rich. According to several news headlines the last couple of days Madam Haw-haw, Hillary Clinton, claims that she can't take Dick Cheney seriously anymore and that he has done "untold damage" to the country. This from the woman who now has a bust that looks like a death mask in the Museum of Sex in New York City, whose husband claimed he smoked marijuana but "didn't inhale" and who engaged in oral sex with an intern and then lied to cover it up, who blew up an aspirin factory in Sudan but turned down the offer of Osama bin Laden on a silver plate, and this is the lady who couldn't wait for a senate seat to turn up in a state she actually lived in, so she foisted herself upon the nation at large by running for office in a state she had never lived in and knew nothing about. This is the lady whose staff pillaged the White House before leaving and who fired longtime White House employees to replace them with her own cronies; the one who said she discussed politics with Bill while cutting his grapefruit, the one who singlehandedly gave Congress back to the Republicans in 1994 by espousing a socialist healthcare program like Cuba and North Korea. Where she gets the serious clout to even say that she doesn't take anyone seriously is beyond me.

A little perspective would be nice. The Leftist bloggers are griping about the new airline restrictions claiming, falsely of course, they would gladly run the risk of a terrorist attack to be able to take drinks and knives on board a plane. While the Pendragon is sorry that the apparentlyu sacrosanct constitutional right to take a Gatorade on board a plane is being threatened, the government would be held responsible if it did not take steps to prevent terrorism and another attack occurred. Grow up a little and stop whining about everything.

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