Thursday, August 31, 2006
President Bush's rather interesting decision to endorse Joe Lieberman for Senate over a Republican candidate is beginning to attract some notice. The Pendragon was asked what he would do, if he were a loyal Connecticut Republican. I have to say I think Mr. Bush has chosen the right path. A Republican will not win in Connecticut and a vote for one would simply ensure the traitor Lamont be elected. It is better to go with the undoubtedly liberal, but certainly patriotic, Joe Lieberman than to vote blindly against your own program. I have few issues on which I agree with the senator, but the one issue that trumps all is a vigorous and spirited waging of the war on terror and we agree on this one. Senator Lieberman has supported his country in the war on terror and the fact that he embraces a left-of-center worldview on domestic issues is unable to quell this. For the first, but perhaps not the last time, the Pendragon departs from party politics and endorses Joe Lieberman for Senate in Connecticut.