Friday, August 11, 2006
The Pendragon is growing increasingly frustrated with the idiocy of college-educated Americans. It is almost a shame to have to count oneself among them. While listening in to a group of co-workers yesterday discuss the foiled terrorist plot in Britain, I heard comments like the following: "I'm so sick of hearing people talk about 9/11. Get over it." And: "Another excuse to raise the terror alert and try to convince people they're in danger. You guys feel in danger?" Then, of course, they launched into horror stories of the abuses they and their poor friends have to suffer through at airport security checkpoints. I guess they would rather have their plane blown up in midair. Despite the fact that these security measures are a product of a Japanese Democrat and not the President, Bush somehow gets blamed for them. The other day someone said they wanted to save the world, to which it was rejoined: "You want to kill George Bush." Why him? Why kill the man who stands between us and a world where Islamic thugs dictate the terms of living? Why not "You want to kill Osama bin Laden?" The Pendragon is sorely ashamed of his fellow college graduate and can only hope none of them get nearer to power than a ballot box. They are dangerous enough to world peace there. I guess the old adage rings true: "The difference between college and the insane asylum is that in an asylum you have to show improvement to get out."
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Liberals don't want to save the world, they want to rule it. And they figure if Bin Laden can kill enough conservatives they might be able to, but they forget that Osama isn't interested in political parties when he kills.
Oh my. I can't even think of a response to such ignorant remarks. I mean if they like George Bush or not doesn't mean much to me. But the utter stupidity and self-centeredness of their thoughts about the war on terror are staggering.
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