Thursday, August 10, 2006

And with the end of the Connecticut Democratic Primary on Tuesday, the last elected Democrat for whom the Pendragon had any mote of respect for is now history in his own party. I do not mourn Senator Lieberman--he will still win in November--but I do mourn that an entire "mainstream" political party is now completely in the hands of the radical Left. Lieberman was a staunch defender of the Clintons in the late 1990s, served as the vice-presidential candidate in Al Gore's failed presidential bid in 2000, sought the Democratic nomination himself in 2004, is against banning gay marriage, for the Kyoto Accords, campaigned for John Kerry, is pro-choice even about partial-birth abortion, opposed all of Bush's tax cuts, voted against Bush's judicial nominees and still refuses to support drilling in the Arctic. His Leftist credentials are unimpeachable--why, then, has he lost his own primary to an unknown? The sad truth is, Senator Lieberman was driven from his party because unlike all of his elected colleagues, Senator Lieberman is not a traitor to his country. I did not agree with the man on nearly everything that he said or did, but the reason I respected him was that he had a valid alternative to the Republicans without trying to undermine the President in his prosecution of our war of self-defense against Islamic terrorists. But the Democrats of Connecticut have spoken: They prefer the kook fringes of the Left with their unreasoning hatred of Bush and their treasonous opposition to America protecting itself to a solid, liberal alternative that has a chance of winning. It won't last till November but it confirms something Whittacker Chambers said half a century ago: "The loyal Democrats of this country no longer have a party."

Best regards from NY! »
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