Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The White House today blasted former President Clinton's attempts to placate North Korea saying he offered them "chocolates, flowers and a signed basketball from Michael Jordan." Bush refuses to allow talks directly between the US and the newest rogue nation with nuclear weapons. While I agree that Clinton was, in general, bad news, and certainly the liberal penchant for offering candy and flowers to brutal dictators is not the way to go, I hope that President Bush will not slam the door completely on some under-the-table discussion. That's how Kennedy managed to extract himself from the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Some concrete incentives--like stepped-up aid, and diplomatic recognition--might yet sway the North Korean leader. I won't be holding my breath but if Bush offers and is refused, the contrast could not be more clear. I don't doubt that in the end some form of military action will be required but as the stakes are inevitably raised when dealing with a nuclear power, it is well to exercise a little caution.

The woman who would be king told a group of Ohio voters this week to watch their state's fall elections like a hawk. Ohio's Republican Secretary of State is seeking the governorship this fall. Mrs. Clinton's comments of course are simply more liberal dreaming of a world where a majority of Ohioans actually did choose John Kerry. Personally, I would say the presidential race in 2008 is the one to watch "like a hawk." People could die in that one.

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