Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The obits are underway for moderate Democrat Joe Lieberman in Connecticut. Hillary Clinton has announced that she will eschew her usual disregard of state boundaries and remain out of the picture if Lieberman loses the Democratic Primary to Ned Lamont. And, gasp! Dick Morris is predicting the stalwart defender of the war on terror will be defeated at the polls. Leaving aside the fact that Dick Morris has not made a single successful prediction yet, Newsmax notes that Liberman is still highly popular. Since he has vowed to run as an independent if defeated, is wildly popular with Republicans and unafiliated voters (who make up the bulk of Connecticut's voting population), I say the worry is groundless. Nevertheless, I would like to make a plug if any Connecticut people are reading this and are registered Democrats: Joe Lieberman is a dying breed, i.e. the centrist Democrat who puts country first. If he loses out in Connecticut, then New England will become synonomous with the extreme left-wing of the Democratic Party. Put country first; vote Joe Lieberman on August 8th.

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