Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I think I shall write a parody of Derek Webb, talking about the first modern liberal in recorded history. It was about 2000 years ago and a woman had just poured expensive perfume on the Son of God's head. This liberal prototype commented, "What a waste. This money could have been sold for a year's wages and the money given to the poor." Jesus' only response: "The poor you will always have with you." The spirit of Judas Iscariot is alive and well today, among the speak-easies who bemoan a donation to build a cathedral to the glory of God. I would not want to suggest, of course, that money should not be given to the poor (as a poor college student I am rather in favor of charity). Nevertheless, it is about time to stop griping about how people choose to glorify God with their resources and just be glad you do. Judas didn't care about the poor--the money was going into his pocket. Apparently Judas had a longlost child who went to Africa and began a dynasty of his own--I'm not sure what the first name was but the second had to be Annan. Kofi and his ilk have the audacity to chide the West for the failure to donate to failed causes like Oil For Food, the money from which they are stealing themselves. Intriguing how the knife can cut both ways.