Thursday, May 04, 2006

So a civilian court has decided that the life of a hardened terrorist is more important than the lives of innocent Americans. One of the architects of 9/11 was given a sentence of life in prison this past week instead of the death penalty. This to me is ridiculous: American taxpayers will now have to pay for Massaoui's upgrade to a better life than the one he was living already. Treating terrorists like common criminals is the biggest mistake of all: they are enemy combatants and must be treated like such. This does not mean torture but it does mean that they should be tried before military tribunals and not civilian courts and they deserve the death penalty. If anyone sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed. And for those who would say that life in prison is a worse punishment, I say they are judging Massaoui by themselves. They might rather die than live with guilt but people like Massaoui have no problem. They still don't think they did anything wrong. I only hope that the courts reform themselves and recognize the fact that their country is at war before even more people are living on the dole.

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