Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Intriguing news on the state front today. The Pendragon wonders just how easily hoodwinked liberals are. It was reported today that Senator Hillary Clinton wowed into silence a room full of upstate New York Democrats with the story of how she befriended a maid in Buffalo during her first senatorial bid. According to legend, the maid approached her when she left Buffalo and handed her a snow globe of the city, saying, "Mrs. Clinton, don't forget Buffalo." To riotous applause, Mrs. Clinton announced, "I never will." Good grief. It's hard to imagine that a room of, probably, relatively well-educated adults bought that story. Hasn't anyone learned by now? The Clintons make up stories like this through their teeth. Hillary's campaign manager probably bought the snow globe for her right before the fundraiser. Hillary's "autobiography", like that of her blowhard husband, was a few minor details of her life and a ton of campaign propaganda. This is the woman who claimed she discussed politics with Bill while cutting his grapefruit in the morning when all her closest friends and advisors say she does no such thing. The one who conveniently forgot about her underhanded political maneuvering in Arkansas and tried to paint a picture of the involved housewife, frantically packing up her belongings and interested in decorating the governor's mansion. Oh, please.

There is another group who haven't learned about the lying nature of these Clintons: liberal Democrats in New York. Apparently unable to see that, just like her husband, the lefty Mrs. Clinton is moving to the center to court votes and will rejoin their cause, the minute she says, "So help me Allah," many Manhattan Democrats are supporting a new senatorial candidate, Jonathan Tasini, a more overtly leftwing Democrat. The Pendragon is tempted to donate to the fund and announce his support for Tasini, if only to help the cause of splitting Hillary's base. But the move is amusing in that it is unnecessary: Hillary is a leftist and always has been. She might stretch the truth (i.e. lie a bit) to sway voters but she'll never stand by her words. Since when has a Clinton delivered on anything they promised? It does give the lie, however, to the oft-quoted idea that Hillary is unfailingly popular with Democrats and middle-of-the-roaders. As she alienates Manhattan liberals, conservatives united against her and moderates fear her double-talk, I predict the chances of her winning the presidential nomination in 2008 will grow slimmer and slimmer. Of course, she could always rely on the old strong-arm tactics but there it is: there is a split widening in the Democratic Party and Hillary is falling fast. If Republicans take advantage of this, victory could yet follow, perhaps even this Fall in New York state.

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