Friday, April 07, 2006
Normally the Pendragon at least respects the view of the Bull Moose. His views are somewhat left of mine but there is no doubt in my mind he is a patriotic, loyal American with a legitimate alternative to the conservative program Bush is advancing. Nevertheless, his treatment of Tom DeLay goes beyond all reason. I have no particular attachment to the man but as far as I can tell his shortcomings, if shortcomings there were, seemed to be political and not personal. Yet DeLay is somehow being seen as being a step above Hitler. The Bull Moose may want to halt his character assassination. His own hero, John McCain, is far from perfect politically or personally. Somehow it has fallen by the wayside that John McCain's first wife managed to get him released from the Viet Cong prison and on the way home (via Hawaii) he fell in love with someone else and decided to divorce his wife. Stellar man of character this! Politically, McCain has pushed for the elimination of free speech in this country with his Campaign Finance Reform bill. Not exactly a great role model. It's an old saying that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at their neighbors and the Progressives for all their vaunted theory of openness and "sunshine government" do not have a great track record on the personal immorality and the political corruption.