Friday, April 14, 2006

The Bull Moose continues to tout John McCain as the answer to Republican woes. My response would be to cut the Senate loose altogether. Losing the Senate this Fall would not be the worst thing; losing the House would be. Senate Republicans already govern like a minority party, why not give them a chance to do it for real? As for McCain, even a hardened Republican like the Pendragon would have to pinch my nose hard to vote for him to be our next President. The President who takes over for Bush is going to have a tough fight on his hands and the whimsical RINO from Arizona who bends to every blast of wind from the polls is not going to be up to the challenge. Fred Barnes notes that Bill Clinton got exactly what he wanted out of the presidency--prestige and personal popularity--but that he was a failure as president in terms of actually accomplishing anything big. McCain would be the same way.

So what is the answer in '08? The Republicans can still hope Hillary will run but her plummeting popularity seems to make her an unsatisfactory choice as well. The best choice for Democrats would be a ticket that includes Bill Richardson (Hispanic governor of New Mexico to attract minorities, those who expect the president to actually govern and the more conservative southwest states) for president and perhaps John Edwards as VP again (to keep the white, rich liberals on board). The Republicans need to target the Northeast but not a RINO like Pataki or Giuliani. They need someone like Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, a staunch conservative with enough of a moderate stance of economic issues to attract middle-of-the-road voters all over the northeast. He would be my first choice for President. They must also not neglect the south so their VP candidate should be Senator Frist from Tennessee or even Senator Lott. Actually I think Frist the better choice. So there you have it: for a truly competitive, not insane, election, look for Romney/Frist vs. Richardson/Edwards in 2008.

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