Wednesday, March 15, 2006
You know the Democrats smell blood. Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) is introducing a resolution censoring the President of the United States. If it passed, which it won't because as Lincoln noted not everyone is as stupid as you hope, it would be the first censure since Andrew Jackson's presidency. Feingold's name is right behind Hillary's on the list of senators seeking promotion in 2008 so you can imagine what's really on his mind. Before the Democrats gets too happy about this, though, I would like to remind them that the last Democratic President also had something happen to him that hasn't happened to a President since a guy named Andrew. If I wasn't worried about them running the country, it would be fun having so many liberals around. They take an issue--the wiretaps--wildly popular with the country (last approval rating over 60%) and pretend they have some great cause to stand up for in attacking it. There are many things Bush could probably be undermined on right now--the Dubai ports deal comes to mind--but the Republicans were against that too. Social security reform is dead, thereby ensuring my generation will get stuck with paying millions into a bankrupt system. So what do they have left? The policy that will unite the people behind Bush: the war on terrorism. November 2006 is going to be a sad month for Democrats unless they get some new strategy and probe why their way of doing things is better.