Wednesday, February 15, 2006
I have great regard for Morti Zuckerman, the editor-in-chief over at US News & World Report, mostly because he still writes balanced articles for a mainstream publication, and I agree with his most recent effort that less venom and more substanstive debate in our national political discussion, he made a rather shaky historical claim to support it: that America has been at its strongest when led by centrist, non-Polarizing Presidents. Being something of a Presidential historian, the claim led me to wonder: What Presidents is he talking about? I'm writing a thesis paper on George Washington and the Jay Treaty so despite the unanimity of his election and re-election, he was not a non-polarizing figure. Thomas Jefferson who doubled the size of the country was certainly not. Andrew Jackson was not. Abraham Lincoln was not. TR and FDR were not. Woodrow Wilson was not. Ronald Reagan was not. Who are these amazing non-polarizing presidents? I don't think there have ever been any.