Tuesday, January 24, 2006
While domestic things are a mess, President Bush can be heartened by some news from abroad. Canadians have finally woken up to the fix they are in as a laboratory for social liberalism and voted their Prime Minister and his party out of power. Although the Conservatives will only be able to form a minority government, it is a big improvement. Personally I'm hoping that Bush might go to Ottawa to welcome the new government and I might just happen to be there too. The new Prime Minister Stephen Harper is not interested in getting involved in Iraq, but he has promised to beef up spending on the military, and involvement in Afghanistan. He has also vowed to cut taxes. Whether he can deliver on this with only a minority government is another question. But it is an exciting development. Congratulations, Canada, and welcome to the real world.
Now for Senate Democrats: I'm listening right now to Chuck Blowhard from downstate and he using the term "out of the mainstream" about a thousand times a minute. I'm not exactly sure what the deal is. Since when do judges have to be in the mainstream? I thought they were supposed to interpret the law. Of course the really unique thing is that the mainstream has suddenly become the far-left beliefs of a few people in Hollywood. The President who nominated Alito was recently re-elected with a majority of the largest turnout in American history. If his judicial nominee shares his political views, it sounds to me like perhaps that is the mainstream, if that even matters. What Schumer and others are doing is applying their own liberal litmus test to judicial nominees and it is about to time to kick them in the fanny.
Now for Senate Democrats: I'm listening right now to Chuck Blowhard from downstate and he using the term "out of the mainstream" about a thousand times a minute. I'm not exactly sure what the deal is. Since when do judges have to be in the mainstream? I thought they were supposed to interpret the law. Of course the really unique thing is that the mainstream has suddenly become the far-left beliefs of a few people in Hollywood. The President who nominated Alito was recently re-elected with a majority of the largest turnout in American history. If his judicial nominee shares his political views, it sounds to me like perhaps that is the mainstream, if that even matters. What Schumer and others are doing is applying their own liberal litmus test to judicial nominees and it is about to time to kick them in the fanny.